College Information

In the Academic Year 2023-2024, VIT offers 34 Undergraduate, 32 Postgraduate and 09 integrated (UG/PG) programmes. Choice Based Credit System is followed and the courses are categorized as per the requirements of the statutory authorities. Ability enhancement and Skill enhancement courses are part of the curriculum. VIT has also approved a list of courses offered in SWAYAM platform and students can claim credit transfer upon successful completion of those courses, and can satisfy the credit requirement under the University Elective / Open Elective category. Emphasis is given to activity based learning.

      Vellore Institute of Technology: Admission2024, Courses, Fees, Placement

Courses Duration Total Fees Eligibility Criteria Apply Now
B.Tech 4 years 780000 10+12
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BBA 3 years 165000 10+12
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B.Com 3 years 270000 10+12
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