"The Maharaja Bhupinder Singh Punjab Sports University, Patiala"(MBSPSU) has been Established vide Notification dated: 29.08.2019 under the Punjab Act No. 11 of 2019. The Preamble of the University Act mandates:-
1) “to establish and incorporate a Sports University in the State of Punjab, a Specialized University, to promote sports education in the areas of sports sciences, Sports technology, sports management and sports coaching.
2) Function as a State Training Centre for select sports disciplines by adopting best International practices.
3) The sole University empowered to affiliate and regulate any Sports or Physical Education Institutions in the State of Punjab and matter connected therewith or Incidental thereto.
Courses | Duration | Total Fees | Eligibility Criteria | Apply Now |
B.Sc | 3 years | 3,00,000 | 10th + 12th |
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BPES | 4 years | 400000 | 10th + 12th |
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