University Information

Our educational philosophy is rooted in the concept of Liberal Education. We believe that the real world does not function in isolation, and neither should knowledge. By interconnecting social sciences, humanities, physical sciences, business, design, natural sciences, fine & performing arts, communications management and computational sciences, we equip our students for an ever-changing new world. At FLAME, our students interact with various disciplines and are encouraged to address pressing world challenges through different perspectives. Our aim is to help them grow as critical thinkers and lifelong learners, as they lead purposeful lives, rather than just narrow professions. Therefore, we foster an environment that is personalised, participatory, and provides a transformational experience to aid in their personal and professional journeys.

      Flame University: Admission2024, Courses, Fees, Placement

Courses Duration Total Fees Eligibility Criteria Apply Now
BBA 3 years 2960000 10th + 12th
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B.A 3 years 2960000 10th + 12th
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B.Sc 3 years 2220000 10th + 12th
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